Getting information about available templates

Although, information on all mlf-core templates is provided in Available templates in our documentation, it is often times more convenient to get a quick overview from the commandline. Hence, mlf-core provides two commands list and info, which print information on all available templates with different levels of detail.


mlf-core list is restricted to the short descriptions of the templates. If you want to read more about a specific (sets of) template, please use the info command.

List example

Example output of mlf-core list. Note that the content of the output is of course subject to change.


mlf-core list can be invoked via

$ mlf-core list


The info command should be used when the short description of a template is not sufficient and a more detailed description of a specific template is required.

Info example

Example output of mlf-core info.


Invoke mlf-core info via

  • HANDLE : a mlf-core template handle such as mlflow-pytorch.

  • DOMAIN : a domain for which mlf-core provides templates for. Example: mlflow.

  • FRAMEWORK : A framework or library for which mlf-core provides templates for. Example: pytorch.